Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Used for Commentary on Radio Ghana on 

On 7 December 1987, the United Nations General Assembly by resolution decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. it was done as an expression of the UN’s determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse. Since that day, the International Day against Drug Abuse and illicit Trafficking is celebrated every year on 26th June. The theme for this year’s celebration “Think health - not drugs", aims to inform the public, particularly young people; about the harmful effects that drugs can have on their health. Drugs have the power both to improve and to damage health depending on the type of drugs used, the quantity consumed and the purpose for which they are taken. For instance, while aspirin can relieve pain, heroin can be highly addictive.
The increasing usage of addictive drugs is one of the fundamental social problems threatening various countries. The Day is therefore celebrated to create awareness about the damaging effects of illicit drugs on individuals, families and the community at large. Adolescent drug abuse is an important area a country like Ghana whose future is dependent on the youth must consider very paramount as the consequences impact directly on the individual and society. In a country like Ghana where the youth play an important role in its future development, parents must make it a priority to raise their children together to make them feel accepted. Besides that, they should monitor friends of their wards while ensuring that the extended family is strengthened to help raise responsible individuals, since lack of this are risk factors which can lead to adolescent drug abuse. Many people smoke because they falsely believe that cigarettes calm their nerves. Rather it releases epinephrine, a hormone which creates physiological stress in the smoker rather than relaxation. Smokers experience changes in body temperature, anxiety, sleep disturbances, fatigue, nervousness and the desire for more of the drug. Also, Alcohol abuse is a drinking problem that results in health consequences. The short- term effects include distorted vision, bad breath and hangovers while the long term effects include loss of appetite, liver damage, sexual impotence, heart and memory loss and skin infections. Illicit drug trafficking is a global black market in the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of substances which are subject to drug prohibition laws. Most jurisdictions prohibit trade, except under license of many types of drugs by drug prohibition laws. In many countries, drug smuggling carries a severe penalty, including death. Long term consequences and problem in societies are health socio-economic and political instability. Parents, teachers, individuals, organizations and government should get involved; by spreading the word about the campaign and organizing outreach or institutional events to help promote health among ourselves and the country as a whole.

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