Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Journalism and Democracy - Keys to peaceful elections

Accra, Jan. 11, - In time past, Journalism and Democracy have been relegated to the background in most African countries due to wars, conflicts and power- drunken leadership, which has prevented the growth of most of these countries.

As centuries go by, Journalism is being regarded as the fourth estate of the realm due to its significant watchdog role in the governance of a country.

Despite these significant roles Journalism plays in governance, it cannot be done in a very hectic environment as it is seen in most African countries like Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Sudan and Angola.

Democracy as attributed to Abraham Lincoln as the rule of the people, by the people and for the people, is only words on paper as far as Africa is concerned because some African leaders themselves have not really understood what democracy really means.

All the same, some African countries like Ghana, South Africa and Nigeria, which practice democratic rule can boast of some level of growth in their countries in terms of peace and stability in governance as compared with war-torn countries like Congo, Sudan and Zimbabwe which experience little or no growth.

Though some African countries have embraced democracy and are practicing it, the fact remains that those European countries which practice journalism in a democratic environment for a long time have been and are still experiencing growth.

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