Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A look at the Ghananian public sector worker in the 21st century

Accra, Dec. 10. Ghana has gone through various kinds and types of transformations since it got independence in 1957. These changes, be they political, social or economic, can either be described as helpful and or less beneficial.

On the socio-economic front, the country has witnessed a lot of changes in the employment sector. Public sector workers through the labour unions have been empowered to stand up for their rights and fight for improvement in working conditions and salaries. 

The country has witnessed several demonstrations and strike actions from workers by various institutions and organizations, especially those in the public sector. This is the tool they use to back their demands when negotiations failed to produce favorable results and responses.

The consequences of such actions by workers on the economy cannot be underestimated and therefore every effort must be made to discourage labour unrest.  

Today, even though some believe the Ghanaian public sector worker deserves a pat on his back for his contribution to the country's socio economic development; many more are of the view that his contribution to productivity still remains low. Those who argued this way have cited poor attitude to work, laziness, lateness, bribery and corruption as some of the ills that still pull the public sector worker down. 

There is no doubt, however, that public sector workers are the backbone of government machinery and as such their contribution to overall productivity would determine the rate at which the country would grow and hence develop. This means that finding a common platform to address workers' concerns must also always be encouraged by all and sundry.
Public sector workers should be mindful of their action. They should not be influenced by their political and self aggrandizements. Working life in the public sector demands a positive attitude. Workers should also take into consideration the future of the young ones who are the future leaders.
Employers and Government must also try to understand the worker's needs and aspirations in order to provide the needed environment to enable him work for the betterment of the nation.

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