Monday, August 29, 2011


There is no rule barring Christian females from dressing to look good. However, the question is how modest are you in your dressing.
The Webster’s new world dictionary defines modesty as dressing in a way that is considered decorous and decent. Christianity is a way of life and as Christian females we have the responsibility to ensure that whatever we put on glorifies the Lord whose steps we are emulating.
Any time you dress and are ready to go out, it is important to take a moment in front of the mirror and ask yourself whether your dressing glorifies God or it’s a “Jezebelic” dressing.
There have been recent concerns on how some Christians especially females dress to the house of God, to the extent that information in the media indicated that such persons would be sanctioned.
This reveals how disturbing the situation is, and even though it’s not all females in the country that are Christian’s, I believe majority are.
There are People who say God looks at the heart only and not on the outside, but I don’t want to believe that is why some Christian females wear dinner and party dresses or attires to church and don’t seem to see anything wrong with it. There are others who also say dressing comes from the heart, and I guess that is why some people also put on whatever they feel like wearing without considering the occasion and place. Whichever way you see it, think about this, do you think one can dress unconsciously? What do you stand for when you are dressed? This is what Pope Pius XII said to Catholics on September 2009 on the requirements for modesty in dress.  “Woe to women who dress immodestly!  Woe to fathers and husbands who do not correct their wives and daughters!  Woe to pastors of souls if they remain silent!  Woe to us, for this is one of the sins which cause most souls to go to hell, sins of the flesh”.  I hope pastors who do not talk about dressing because they fear losing their members will take a cue from this.
Showing of the cleavage and the back view of the waist is the norm within lecture halls and church auditoriums; whiles decorum and demeanor have been treated with disdain. Some Christian females dress as though they are for the beach or the bedroom. 
It's critical to pay attention to the signal our clothing is sending and to make sure that the message our attire is giving is in line with the Word of God. The way we dress sometimes as Christians can be seductive and enticing, ask any Christian brother.
When wearing any attire ask yourself does it enhance your holiness such that it leads people to Christ rather than leading people to commit sin besides does it glorify God and additionally does what you wear make you beautiful in terms of cleanliness, smartness and fitting?. It’s pathetic when I see some Christian mothers dressed in an appalling manner for whatever reasons I don’t know. Even though we are all looking up to that one “MAN” Jesus Christ, it is encouraging that humanly and on this earth the very people who introduced this world to us try to dress in a way that is worth emulating. And it’s sad the dresses some Christian parents buy for their children to wear.
The Pope Pius XII has this for Christian mothers "O Christian mothers, if you knew what a future of anxieties and perils, of ill-guarded shame you prepare for your sons and daughters, imprudently getting them accustomed to live scantily dressed and making them lose the sense of modesty, you would be ashamed of yourselves and you would dread the harm you are making for yourselves, the harm which you are causing these children, whom Heaven has entrusted to you to be brought up as Christians."
Don’t you think anything you wear that becomes a snare to your brother is the same as being an evangelist for the devil? Appearance as we know say a lot about the individual and as Christians what we wear by way of dressing is very important because the Bible that guides us say we should present our bodies as holy sacrifice unto the lord. Let’s take a minute to ask ourselves; am I presenting my body as a holy sacrifice unto my creator? This is crucial for a Christian woman because we're representatives of the Lord Jesus Christ and we're a reflection of our husbands if we're married.
“Do you want to be a feminine, pleasant, beautiful person when you are old? Then be a feminine, pleasant, beautiful person now,” a fitting advice to all from Mrs. Amy Booker, Teacher, singer, and Actress.

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