Acquiring Education
Education is very important in every society, which is why parents try to
send their children to school to gain knowledge on their environment and
how to contribute meaningfully to their country and the world as a whole.
In every part of the world some educational institutions are considered better than others. Similar views exist in my country Ghana.
This notion compels most parents to send their children to boarding
schools, which may be far from where they live or because they feel the
children would have much time to learn. Besides, the school could be the alma-mata of the parents, who expect their wards to benefit from the positive impact the school had made on their lives.
Due to the various reasons above some children, who are day students in
schools have to contend with the daily routine with having to board cars to
school and in the process failing to get enough sleep as children should
and are also exposed to other forms of dangers. I got to my station to board a vehicle to work one morning, whiles in the vehicle a woman came with her daughter who was a primary student as early as 5:30 am and told the mate that the daughter would alight at airport, finally when she was about to leave she asked me to remind the mate for her. I don’t know if it was because the girl was seating next to me. When the vehicle finally set off, we did not get anywhere and the girl started dozing off. The passengers started murmuring that is it compulsory that a child would have to go through all this to get knowledge and how sure are we that these children really can learn under those circumstances, because they leave the house very early just like any Ghanaian worker who wants to beat the traffic situation in the morning and struggle for vehicles at lorry stations to get home very tired and have to wake up very early for school the next day.
Some parents also leave the home with their children but leave them to
continue to school on their own whiles they continue to work, these children are then left at the mercy of strangers and drivers because they
have to struggle to cross the roads themselves; whiles some of these children are also given money to buy food from food vendors into bowls
they carry from home. Parents should find ways of sending their children to
the schools they desire without them going through much stress and exposing them to dangers.
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